Family Group:
ID Number:
uddleston family history
Research Center
"The great difference between voyages rests not with the ships but the people you meet on them."
Amelia Edith Huddleston Barr
From the Beginning to Present - A Work in Progress

Historical Document:
The document shown above and transcribed below is an indenture - a legal contract, hand written on sheepskin (vellum), in keeping with legal practice dating back to Medieval times. The top edge of the document shows the wavy, or "indented" margin that gives these documentstheir name. As a safeguard against counterfeiting, the copies given to all parties were placed together and cut in the margin in a wavy, irregular pattern, uniquely identifying the authenticity of each copy.
Transcribed Indenture:
This Indenture made the twenty sevendth day of February in the yeare of our LordChrist one Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Nine and in the Twelfth yeare of theRaigne of our Sovernign Lord William the Third by the Grace of God of EnglandScotland France and Ireland. King defender of the faith and between JOHNABEALE of the Citty of New York Merchant of the one parte and WILLIAMHUDDLESTON of the Said Citty Gentleman of the other parte. WhereasISAACVERPLANCK, SAMUEL VERPLANK, JACOBUS VERPLANK,HENDRETH KIPP, CATLINNA VERPLANK, SYLVESTER GARLAND,CORNELIUS TUNISE SWARTH, ABRAHAM ACKERMAN, DAVIDACKERMAN, MELGERT VANDERPOOL, JOHANNES VAN GELDER,CORNELIA ROOS and PETER ROOS the heirs or children of ABRAHAMISAACC VERPLANK in and by a certain instrument or power of AttorneyIrrevocable beareing the date the thirteenth day of September which was in the tenthyear of his now Mirjsys Raigne and in the Yeare of Our Lord One Thousand SixHundred Ninety Nine did give and grant to the said JOHN ABEALE amongst otherthings theirin specified and contained full power and absolute and lawful Authorityto grant bargaine alein sell and convey all or any part of their estates. Reall andpersonall land tenements and hereditainments property relating and belonging to theundivided estate of the said ABRAHAM ISAACC VERPLANK deed and upon thesale of all or any part or parcel thereof sufficient deed or deeds for them and in theirnames generally or perticularly to sign seale and deliver as by the said instrumentbeareing date as aforesaid relation being thereunto had more fully and at large willappeare. How this indenture wittnesseth that the said JOHN ABEALE *Qualarie asaforesaid for consideration of two hundred and twenty five pounds current money ofthe province of New York **robbin well and truly in hand paid before the unsealingand delivery hereof by the said WILLIAM HUDDLESTON the receipt whereof hedoth hereby acknowledge and himself herewith to be fully satisfied contented andpaid. And thereof and herefrom and of and from every part and parcel thereof hedoth fully freely and absolutely acquit, exonerate and discharge him the saidWILLIAM HUDDLESTON his heirs executors administrators and assigns by thesepresents hath granted bargained and sold conveyed assured and confirmed and dothby these presents grant bargaine and sell convey assign and conffirments him the saidWILLIAM HUDDLESTON and to his heirs and assigns forever. What that certainparcel of land situating and being within the Citty of New York bounded East byJOHN RODMAN South by King Street, West by Smith Street and North by theland of LUKE VAN THIENHOVEN containing in **** the East side by JOHNRODMAN one hundred and two foot on the West fronting to Smith Street onehundred eleven foot. In benth South King Street seventy seven foot three inches andNorth by LUKE VAN THIENHOVEN eight foot --- all English measure. As also acertaine tract of land whereto the City of New York aforesaid bounded on the southand west sides by the kings farme4 on the North by the Land luff** of THOMASLODWICKSON deceased and on the East by the land of JOHN VAN ZEE deceasedcontaining five Morgan5 and two hundred and ten Rood and is called Lot One beingthe fourth part of thereabouts of A Certain field called the Culkehook6 as appears byA contract or deed of Varicom*** made the 17thApril Ano Nui 1671 (*??*) betwixtthe partners and persons interested in the said field from Qcuilin (**?)VERPLANCK, JOHN VAN ZEE, THOMAS LODWICKSON and CHRISTOPHERHOOGLAND the said contract being recorded in the publishing Records of this Cittyand witnessed by NICHOLAS BYARDT, the then secretary. Provided that the allnaymes of the said WILLIAM HUDDLESTON his heirs and assignes shall at alltimes and from time to time shall for ever and ever hereafter. Holding the East side ofsaid tract of land leave out twelve foot thereof in breadth for and towards a passagefor the owners of the other two lots as by the said instrument of partition is enjoynedtogether with all ways parts passages easements ***humminges***LibertiesPriviledges Hereditiments and appurtances whatsoever to the same belonging or inany manner or ways appertaining or ****all used and enjoyed as parte parcel ormember thereof and all the Estate right first interest properte possession claim anddemand whatsoever WILLIAM HUDDLESTON his heirs and assigns forever. Andthe said JOHN ABEALE for himself his heirs executors and administrators dothcovenant grant promise and agree for and with the said WILLIAM HUDDLESTONhis heirs and assigns and every of them by these presents that he the said JOHNABEALE at the time of the ensealing and delivery hereof hath by virtue of theinstrument above in parte recited in himself good right full power and Lawfull andabsolute authorite to grant bargaine and sell unto the said WILLIAMHUDDLESTON his heirs and assigns forever the aforesaid parcel and tract of landand all and singular other the premises with the appurtances herein before grantedintended to be hereby bargained and sold and every parte and parcell thereof untothe said WILLIAM HUDDLESTON or his heirs and assigns for ever according to thetrue intent and meaning of these present.
And that the aforesaid parcell and tract of land and premises and every part andparcell thereof at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents are soe at alltimes for ever hereafter and from time to time shall remaine coming** and be untothe said WILLIAM HUDDLESTON his heirs and assignes clearly accquitted anddischanrged or otherwise sufficiently saved and kept harmless of and from all and allmanner of former and other bargaines Sales Cisrs grants Leases Joinries Powersusses wills Jurailes statues Recognizes Judgments Executions Seizures InclusionsExtents and of and from all and Singular other Charges titles troubles Incumbrancesand demands whatsoever had made acknowledged Consent unto procured done orsuffered by the above mentioned heirs of ABRAHAM ISAACC VERPLANCK or anyof them or their or any of their heirs or by him the saide JOHN ABEALE since thepower acrued to him as aforesaid or by any other persons or persons whatsoeverLawfully having or Claiming any right or title to the same by his or their or any of hisor their meannes title or procurement And the saide JOHN ABEALE for himself hisheirs Executors and administrators doe Covenant promise grant and agree to andwith the said WILLIAM HUDDLESTON his heirs and assigns by these presents thatneither the said heirs of ABRAHAM ISAACC VERPLANCK or their heirs nor anyother person or persons whatsoever shall at any time hereafter shall make any lawfulclaim or***to the premises hereby granted shall at all times and from time to time foreverafter jusfifie anow maintain ratify allow and continue this instrument as theirand each of their absolute good sufficient and essecruall conveyance in the lawirrevocable and more over that the said JOHN ABEALE and his heirs and all andevery other person and persons whatsoever having or claiming or which shall or mayhave a claim or pretense have any manner of right fiffe interest or any other thinginto or out of the before mentioned to be bargained promises or any parte or parcelthereof from or under him the saide JOHN ABEALE or from or under the heires ofthe saide ABRAM ISAAC VERPLANK shall and will from time to time and at alltimes for space or seven years now next ensueing upon every reasonable request andat the cost and charges in the law of the said WILLIAM HUDDLESTON and heirsand assigns make doe suffer acknowledge or cause to be made done sufferedacknowledged and executed all and every such **ffurtherlanafull** act and actsthing and things device and devices conveyances and assureances in the lawwhatsoever for the further better and more perfect assurance surity sure making andconveying of all and singular the herein before bargained premises and every partand parcel thereof unto the said WILLIAM HUDDLESTON his heirs and assignsforever as by conncill learned in the law of the saide WILLIAM HUDDLESTON hisheirs and assigns in that behalf shall be reasonably devised advised or required INWITNESS where of the said JOHN ABEALE hath hereto sett his hand and seal theday and year first written.
attorney of saide heirs of ABRAM ISAAC VERPLANK
sealed and delivered in the presence of < br />ABRAM DEPAYSTER
New Yorke the 22nd of March, anno domi 1699
these appeared personally before me ABRAM DEPASTER one of his Mirjsys's council forthis Province of New Yorke that within mention JOHN ABEALE and acknowledged this to be his voluntary act and deed
applied from JOHN ABEALE
for lott in King Street at the Calkhook
recorded in the office of town clerk in the citty of New Yorke
the 29th of March, anno domi 1709
in bib 25th rag cory exam ** schlepen